
Are we there yet?

Lessons Learnt Performance Testing A Crypto Exchange API

Ben Shi

#dddsydney @hbish | /in/benshi | hbish.com

👋 hi

DDDSydney 2019 Sponsors
Ben Shi

About Me

  • Ben ShiBen Shi


    Quality Assurance Engineer

    ~3.5 years
  • Ben ShiBen Shi


    Software Engineer / Consultant

    ~7 years
  • Ben Shi


    Software Engineering Manager

    still growing!


  • Boring Bits
  • Lessons Learnt
  • Performance Engineering
  • Wrap up

Quick Survey 🗳

...a testing practice performed to determine how a system performs in terms of responsiveness and stability...

(source: wikipedia)

So like?

slow button bash


faster button bash


fastest button bash


What flavours does it come in?

  • Load testing
  • Stress testing
  • Soak testing
  • Spike testing
  • Breakpoint testing
  • Configuration testing
  • Isolation testing
  • Internet testing

additional reading

The Art of Application Performance Testing - Ian Molyneaux

What can we measure?

What can we measure?


  • Latency/Response Time - Round Trip
  • Throughput


  • Latency/Response Time - Processing Time
  • Throughput
  • Availability
  • Server metrics - CPU, memory, disk I/O, network I/O...
  • Connection pooling
  • Cache hit/miss ratios
  • Queue depth
  • and more...

Crypto Exchange: A Crash Course

Centralized vs Decentralized Exchangessource: bitcoinwiki


Centralized vs Decentralized Exchanges

Typical Architecture

| RPC/Web API | Websocket API |
| Matching Engine | Asset Management     |
+----------------------------------------+-------------------+       +--------------------+
| Settlement Engine | Account Management | Wallet Management | <---> | Blockchain Network |
+----------------------------------------+---+---------------+       +--------------------+
| KYC Service | MFA/Security Services        |                                |
+--------------------------------------------+                                |
| Networking | Database | Event Bus & MQ     | <------------------------------+
| Cold Wallet Storage                        |

additional reading: How do cryptocurrency exchanges work? and what technologies are driving disruption - Naveen Saraswat

Let the show begin!

  • Centralised crypto exchange API
  • Order submission/execution
  • Gatling

Panda holding a gatling gun


  • non-blocking/asynchronous stack (scala, akka, netty)
  • not just a load runner, can be scripted using DSL
  • built-in assertion
  • good calculation and statistics
  • nice reporting
  • comes with a recorder
  • open-source*
  • can run in a distributed fashion and fed into other performance platforms
gatling scripting
gatling report


1. Test with a goal in mind

Non-Functional Requirements

Expensive & Time Consuming

Why you no requirements



Without data you're just another person with an opinion

- W. Edwards Deming


2. Consider all the parameters


POST https://{{host}}/api/order
jwt: abcdefg1234567890
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Accept-Charset: utf-8

    "symbol": "EthBtc",
    "side": "Buy",
    "order_type": "Limit",
    "time_in_force": "Gtc",
    "quantity": 2,
    "price": 10.3123,
    "new_order_resp_type": "Ack",
    "timestamp": 1562336244


val price = ??
val quantity = ??

val Side = Array("Buy", "Sell")
val OrderTypes = Array("Market", "Limit", "StopLoss", "StopLossLimit", "TakeProfit", "TakeProfitLimit", "LimitMaker")
val TimeInForce = Array("Gtc", "Ioc")
val Symbols = Array("EthBtc", "EthLtc", "EthUsdt", "EthXrp")
exec(http("""POST /api/order STOPLOSS SELL ${symbol}""")
               "symbol": "${symbol}",
               "side": "${side}",
               "order_type": "StopLoss",
               "time_in_force": "Gtc",
               "quantity": ${quantity},
               "stop_price": ${stopSellPrice},
               "new_order_resp_type": "Ack",
               "timestamp": ${timestamp}
  .header("jwt", """${jwt}""")


val orderParams: Iterator[Map[String, Any]] = Iterator.continually(
    "quantity" -> Random.nextDouble() * 100,
    "price" -> Random.nextDouble() * 10,
    "symbol" -> Symbols(Random.nextInt(Symbols.length)),
    "timestamp" -> Instant.now.getEpochSecond,


val orderParams: Iterator[Map[String, Any]] = Iterator.continually(
    elem = {
        val symbol = Random.nextInt(Symbols.length)
        val marketPrice = getMarketPrice(symbol)
            "quantity" -> Random.nextDouble() * 100,
            "price" -> marketPrice,
            "sellPrice" -> marketPrice * (1 + (Random.nextInt(5) / 1000)),
            "buyPrice" -> marketPrice * (1 - (Random.nextInt(5) / 1000)),
            "symbol" -> Symbols(symbol),
            "timestamp" -> Instant.now.getEpochSecond,


3. Functional Testing on Steroids

Add some asserts!

  • response code
  • check orders matched and reconcile with user balance


Trading Bots

additional functional tests while under load


4. Trust, but Verify (Developers)

Developer's performance intuitions are often wrong

Myself included

Things Devs might say

  • "Get a bigger instance with more ram/cpu"
  • "Just add more instances"
  • "It must be the database"
  • "Non-issue, it hasn't crashed yet"
  • "Must be an environment issue"
  • "Your tests are wrong"
Performance Test Result


1% tile: 974.0 (ns)
5% tile: 1075.0 (ns)
10% tile: 2292.0 (ns)
25% tile: 2695.0 (ns)
50% tile: 3671.0 (ns)
75% tile: 10440.0 (ns)
90% tile: 10091923.799999999 (ns)
99% tile: 68835579.60000025 (ns)

Things Devs might do

let start = Instant::now();
let duration = start.elapsed();

println!("Time elapsed in submit_order() is: {:?}", duration);

Coordinated Omission Problem

additional reading: "How NOT to Measure Latency" by Gil Tene
People Buying Coffee

Application Performance Monitoring Metrics


Log Aggregation w/ Correlation IDs



⏱ Collect Data

🍾 Find the bottleneck

🛠 Fix it

♻ Repeat

Without data you're just another person with an opinion.

- W. Edwards Deming

📉 📈

5. Statistics Lie

Performance Test Result


❌ Mean

❌ Median

❌ Standard Deviation

Anscombe's Quartlet

Anscombe Quartlet - Data
Anscombe Quartlet - Graph

Look at

✅ Max

✅ Percentiles

Good Performance Test Result
Bad Performance Test Result
Percentile Plot


6. Scaling your performance test

Focus on the actual test

Scaling your test comes later

Paid Performance Testing Platform

Gatling Frontline



DIY - (The Hard way)

                       | Gatling Image |
+----------------+      +-----------+
| Cloudformation | ---> | ECS Tasks |
+----------------+      +-----------+
                              |    +---------------------------+     +-----------------------------+
                              +--> | Save simulation.log to S3 | --> | Aggregate & generate report |
                                   +---------------------------+     +-----------------------------+

Performance Engineering

Quickfire Edition

What about Microservices/Serverless?

  • Watch for timeouts
  • Perform spike tests to determine time taken to scale

What about GraphQL?

  • It's possible, but more complicated
  • Different combination of fields and fragments
  • Make sure you have sensible request tracing

Many birds, one stone

Reusable Tests. Framework selection is critical!

E2E test in Dev/Test Deployment

./gradlew gatlingRun -DbaseUrl="http://dev.env:80/api" -DnumberOfUser=1 -DrunDurationSecs=300

Perf Test

./gradlew gatlingRun -DbaseUrl="http://perf.env:80/api" -DnumberOfUser=2000 -DrunDurationSecs=3600

Smoke Test in Production

./gradlew gatlingRun -DbaseUrl="http://prod.env:80/api" -DnumberOfUser=1 -DrunDurationSecs=10


  • Build a small subset of your performance testing suite as part of your pipeline
  • Monitor the build time and capture performance metrics
  • Fail or Add alert for any executions that over n %
  • Run perf early in the SDLC and as often as possible

It doesn't take a lot to cause an outage

A regular expression that backtracked enormously and exhausted CPU used for HTTP/HTTPS serving.
CloudFlare CPU Goes Boom
Introduce performance profiling for all rules to the test suite. (ETA:  July 19)

Cloudflare Outage July 2019 - https://blog.cloudflare.com/details-of-the-cloudflare-outage-on-july-2-2019/

Test in Production?

Test in Production?

Yes, only if you can cleanup the data

Otherwise, test in a separate environment with configuration similar to prod


  • Performance Test != Non-Functional Testing
  • Know your parameters and limits upfront
  • Test with the end in mind
  • Forgo any assumptions and verify using performance metrics
  • Stats Lie!

Awesome Performance




Slide deck: https://dddsydney2019.hbish.com/

@hbish | /in/benshi | hbish.com